Saturday, May 30, 2020

Importance Of Graphic Design

While a number of small business owners realize the importance of great design, others do not. No matter if it is a start up business or one that has been around for years, the following list can help a lot.

It is unfortunate that smaller businesses do not give much weight on professional web design work. During tough financial times, the budget for creativity is among the first things to be minimized, and this is to be expected. Most small businesses run on limited resources. Though each wants a great website, smart logo and overwhelming marketing collateral, they cannot afford to make a huge investment.
They would rather ask the help of an untrained employee such as a marketing assistant who is a jack-of-all-trades to create a do-it-yourself design. Or else, they will search online for cheaper alternatives. In any case, the business owner may not be happy with the final outcome.
Therefore, when businesses feel reluctant to make an investment in good graphic design, they should consider the following:
First impression lasts.
As the saying goes, the first impression lasts. Even though it is a website or logo in an email, prospective customers are quick to judge a business in a matter of seconds based only on aesthetics. Professional graphic design makes a business credible, which is priceless. Even if a product/service is great, when a website is poorly designed, it is more likely for viewers to leave the site at once, or discard its email.
Design can convey a message.
Even if they have not heard anything about a business, they would like to get a feel of what it does. A design, which is well thought of, projects the right image in the minds of consumers. An electrician has a concept which is completely different than that of a nursery. There's a striking contrast, but it's applicable to also slightly different ways.
Branding makes a business easy to remember.
Solid graphic design makes branding consistent in all visual aspects of a business. An expert graphic artist is consistent in fonts, colors, images and mood, among anything he/she touches. Hence, consumers experience the same thing when visiting a website and reading its brochure. It is sort of an alliteration, wherein it makes the business easy to recall and remember. Moreover, consistency boosts professionalism.
Creativity can make a difference.
Businesses have something in common and that is, they all have competition. To have an edge over others, they usually have a number of differentiators like price, customer service, quality or something really different. Creativity enables small businesses to stand out from the rest.
The visual plan of a company has several purposes, one of which is making a business unique.
Great design converts.
It is nice to have a beautiful website. It is, however, nicer to have a beautiful, income generating website. Effective design is not only about having a visually appealing design, but should be able to prompt visitors to take action - such as clicking the "buy" button as an example. A well-designed brochure motivates readers to continue turning pages. A professional graphic design is capable of delivering measurable results for small businesses.
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Graphic Design Vs Web Design

Although web design and graphic design both use images, text, and typeface to create a desired method of communicating ideas, designing for web and print are two different practices. Graphic designers have been around since print media was created, while web design came into being when the Internet was developed. Before choosing a print designer or web designer, it is important to understand the differences between web design and graphic design.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design includes any type of design that has been created and printed. Graphic design uses the blending of technology and art to communicate messages and ideas. The graphic designer utilizes a number of communication tools to deliver a message from a client/company to a specific audience. Graphic design illustrations can be found in magazines, newspaper arrangements, newspaper ads, billboards, logos, brochures, books, labels on a variety of product packages, and much more. Graphic designers create the layout design for a variety of types of print advertisements. The print design is normally 2-dimensional. Each design component is created for a fixed size display. The main tools used are image and typography. Images are used to communicate a mood or emotion. Mockup

The audience reacts to the images and the advertising messages that they receive. Typography is a type-based design where words are used to convey a message. The designer will focus on the appearance of the words such as lettering size, location, shape, and color. They are designed to catch the attention of the consumer, enhance the ad display, identify the product, and help convey the advertiser's message to the targeted audience. Graphic designers work with market analysts, illustrators, and photographers as well as with typesetters and printers and other production experts to in order complete the entire ad design project.

Web Design

Web Design is task of creating a web page on the internet. Web designers work for businesses creating and implementing their websites. They work exclusively on web sites. A Web designer designs a graphical display of content and images that is displayed on the Internet in the form of a web page. They employ a number of web applications such as HTML, CSS, XHTML, JavaScript, PHP, Photoshop, and images such as JPG. The function of Web designer includes all of the technical aspects of creating a website, such as the coding and writing of web pages.

Both graphic designers and professional web designers are specialized to use such applications as color to create a mood or set a tone. They know how to communicate ideas and messages through such technical expressions as using the meaning of symbols to convey an idea. As well, they know how to use shapes, objects, and colors to provide balance and equilibrium to communicate to a targeted demographic and inform and encourage them to take a certain action such as buying a product.

Both web design and graphic design play an important role in the advertising, promotion, and sales of products and services. Choosing a professional web designer or graphic designer will depend on one's particular area of business.

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5 Principles of Effective Logo Design

Logo design is arguably one of the hardest parts of graphic design though with a little insider knowledge, you may find it’s not so difficult after all. By understanding what makes a “good” logo and the principles behind effective logo design you will be on the right track in no time.

A good logo just makes sense. It will feel simple, unforced, a ‘natural’ choice. But as with most things that appear effortless—the glide of a swan, lift of a dancer’s arm or ‘bed head’ waves—a lot of energy, thought and effort goes into their execution.
In a nutshell, a logo is a mark made up of text and images that is adopted by an organization to identify its offering. Ideally, a logo will present a brand to an audience while also differentiating it from the competition. It will be packed with meaning and perfectly communicate the industry, services, demographic and values of a company so that consumers can speedily decide if it’s for them.
A good logo tells the story of your brand using design elements like color, fonts, imagery and shapes. It will be easy to distinguish against competitors and have an impact wherever it’s seen. A good logo is also translatable across every medium, and is clearly distinguishable whether it’s on a business card, or an Instagram logo.
Before you design a logo, you must understand what a logo is, what it represents and what it is supposed to do. A logo is not just a mark – a logo reflects a business’s commercial brand via the use of shape, fonts, colour, and / or images. A logo is for inspiring trust, recognition and admiration for a company or product and it is our job as designers to create a logo that will do its job.

1. A logo must be simple
A simple logo design allows for easy recognition and allows the logo to be versatile & memorable. Good logos feature something unexpected or unique without being overdrawn.
Your logo needs to be easily identifiable at a glance. Allow for changes of size and colour. Good logos deliver something unexpected and are unique without being complicated.
2. A logo must be memorable
Following closely behind the principle of simplicity, is that of memorability. An effective logo design should be memorable and this is achieved by having a simple, yet, appropriate logo.
An effective logo should be memorable. Keep it simple and appropriate to the nature of the business. The Audi logo has a global presence. Children from a very young age play games in memorising what cars they recognise via their identity.
3. A logo must be timeless
An effective logo should be timeless – that is, it will stand the test of time.
An effective logo should be timeless and should avoid trends.
4. A logo must be versatile
An effective logo should be able to work across a variety of mediums and applications. For this reason a logo should be designed in vector format, to ensure that it can be scaled to any size. The logo must work in just one colour too.
A good logo can be used in a variety of sizes and colours. Your logo should have the versatility to appear on collateral for a pen to a plane. This dramatic physical scale in usage demonstrates how an identity needs to work across a wide scope of collateral. Mockup
5. A logo must be appropriate
How you position the logo should be appropriate for its intended purpose. For example, if you are designing a a logo for children’s toys store, it would be appropriate to use a childish font & color scheme. This would not be so appropriate for a law firm.
A professional logo should be fit for purpose. The logo should be appropriate for the intended audience. For example a logo for a toyshop could be colourful and playful in its execution however, the same wouldn’t apply to a law firm.
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9 Steps To Design A Logo

A Logo is a design symbolizing ones organization. It is a design that is used by an organization for its letterhead, advertising material, and signs as an emblem by which the organization can easily be recognized, also called logotype. Logotype is a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.

1.  With Your Story
Before you start with the process, study your client first. Find out the target audience as it will help you determine the elements of a logo. Without having a clear picture of your client and its marketer, you would be directionless. Get to know what the company sells or is about. Once you gather all the relevant information, it becomes easy to create a logo. Mockup

2. Brainstorm Words That Describe Your Brand
Now that you have your story, it's time to take your logo draft from story to setting. Open and enter a term that best describes your product into the search bar.
3. Sketch Ideas Based on These Words
The first step in creating a purposeful logo is to create basic sketches. The step is very simple, and it involves just the pen and the paper. You need to draw sketches. Or for the first draft, you can use the Illustrator tool. The outcome is that your final logo design would be compromised if you ignore this step. Start creating about twenty to thirty sketches and sort out the ones that are good. However, if nothing looks good, start all over again. A good designer is one who spends more time in sketching before engaging with other design steps.

4. Test Your Top Sketches With Your Buyer Persona
Once you've got a handful of different sketches on paper, take a step back and pick the top three concepts. Don't think too hard about this -- consider the designs your eyes keep going back to, and select them to show to others. Be prepared for honest feedback and don't take any negative comments personally. These criticisms will only make your final logo better. Use their feedback to select one final concept to develop into a design.
5. Refine Your Chosen Sketch
To begin refining your logo, look back at the terms you identified in Step 2. Now look at your chosen sketch and ask yourself: Which terms does this sketch not yet capture? Use them to develop your sketch further, and add back the traits you liked best about the designs you didn't end up choosing for refinement.
6. Develop Your Logo's Layout on a Free Design Platform
Now, it's time to get technical and turn your paper drawing into a usable digital format. To bring this design to life, you have many free design platforms available to recreate your sketch in digital format. Here are a few free solutions:
·        Logo Crisp
·        Logojoy
·        DesignMantic
·        GraphicSprings
7. Pick Versatile Color Options
Your logo's color scheme might look great against the color of the canvas on which you designed it, but eventually, your logo will be placed on backgrounds whose colors you didn't start with.
8. Choose a Font
Talking about logo ideas and forgetting typography is like half a cooked meal. Choosing the right typography is essential. If your brandmark has text either in the form of a tagline or in the logo itself, you need to be very careful in choosing the right fonts. Go for Serif and Sans Serif fonts as they are the safest bet. If nothing works out, create a custom font. Brands like Coca Cola, Twitter, and Yahoo have custom fonts take inspiration from them.

9. Ensure Scalability
Logos are meant to represent your company on multiple platforms -- in print, on your website, on each of your social media business pages, and across the internet as your business grows. You want a logo that can be blown up super large for a billboard, but also scaled down for screening onto the side of a pen.
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10 Tips For Best Poster Design

Almost everyone has designed a poster or flier at some point. Whether it was for self-promotion or a client, posters can be a fun way to present a message and do some interesting things with design.

1. Make it Easy to Read from a Distance
The top priority of a poster is generally to expose someone to an event. Key information should be easy to read from a distance to held draw people to the poster and create a hierarchy in the text.
Headline: This is the main (and largest) text element in the design. It can be in addition to an art element or it can be the art element.
Details: As for sizing, there are two options – drop the size to about half of the main headline for very clear hierarchy or continue to use a larger size and use another technique for contrast.
The fine print: This one explains itself. Commonly seen on posters to promote movies, it’s everything else that someone decided needed to be on the poster. Make it small and keep it out of the way.
2. Amp Up the Contrast
Think about a big color background as well. Many times poster designers start with a white canvas. If your printer allows, use a high color background with a full bleed to make your poster stand out from all the rest. Mockup
3. Consider Size and Location
Knowing where the design will live can help you make choices about how to create it. Not only is visual contrast important within your design, it is an important external factor as well. Think of it this way: If your poster is going to hang on a green wall, you probably want to use a contrasting color scheme so the design does not blend into the environment.
4. Make a Mini Version
While poster design is primarily a print project, create mini versions that can be used in other places as well. Remember one of those basic principles of marketing – a person needs exposure to something 20 times to remember it. The multiple poster versions can help you accomplish just that.
5. Use One Big Visual
When designing posters, think tight — close-up crops of faces or elements, single item illustrations, a common scene with a sharp focal point, novelty typography with high intrigue. After you select a visual be careful about layering elements. Type and images need to have enough contrast so that they are independently readable.
6. Use Plenty of Space
When it comes to posters, use exaggerated spacing between elements. It may look a little funny to you at first, but the extra spacing will dramatically increase visual impact and readability at distances.
7. Include a Call to Action
The goal of every poster is to expose people to something. Most of these “touches” involve inviting someone to something, such as a concert or movie or another event. For that reason a call to action is vital. Think of it in the same way you would if designing a call to action for a website or app – give it a high-level of prominence in the design.
8. Create Focus with Typography
Keep the same typography principles in mind that you would with any other project – this is not the time to use 10 fonts in one location. But do experiment with bolder, wider, bigger typefaces that you might feel comfortable with otherwise.
9. Use a Cool Printing Technique
Talk to your printer in advance of settling on any special technique to make sure they can make the prints at the size you need. When it comes to printing techniques, there can be budgetary considerations as well. Some printing processes can be pricey; so make sure you have enough wiggle room with the budget before you get started.
10. Have Fun
Poster design is a place where designers can have a lot of fun. While there are plenty of things to think about and consider, this is an area where you can break the rules and go a little crazy with design.

In an age with so much design talk centering around websites and apps, the art of poster design is often an afterthought. Poster design can be fun and give you plenty of room to stretch your design muscles.
Posters can work in a variety of ways fo almost any project. They are a great form of promotion and can help expose the masses to your personal, business or client message.

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Friday, May 29, 2020

3D Logo Mockup

By using these 3D Logo Mockup you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand. Instead of doing everything from scratch, boost your workflow with a predefined template that is a little breeze to use.
With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Get the all best free PackagingMockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use on eymockup 
3.       T-shirt PSD Mockup
4.      Packaging Mockup
5.      Branding Mockups
• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Cloth Logo Mockup

By using these Cloth Logo Mockup you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand. Instead of doing everything from scratch, boost your workflow with a predefined template that is a little breeze to use.
With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Get the all best free PackagingMockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use on eymockup 
3.       T-shirt PSD Mockup
4.      Packaging Mockup
5.      Branding Mockups
• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Box Packaging Mockup

By using these Box Packaging Mockup you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand. Instead of doing everything from scratch, boost your workflow with a predefined template that is a little breeze to use.
With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Get the all best free PackagingMockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use on eymockup 
3.       T-shirt PSD Mockup
4.      Packaging Mockup
5.      Branding Mockups
• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Gaming Logo Mockup

By using these Gaming Logo Mockup you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand. Instead of doing everything from scratch, boost your workflow with a predefined template that is a little breeze to use.
With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Get the all best free LogoMockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use on eymockup 
3.       T-shirt PSD Mockup
4.      Packaging Mockup
5.      Branding Mockups
• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Bottle Label Mockup

By using these Bottle Label Mockup you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand. Instead of doing everything from scratch, boost your workflow with a predefined template that is a little breeze to use.
With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Get the all best free PackagingMockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use on eymockup 
3.       T-shirt PSD Mockup
4.      Packaging Mockup
5.      Branding Mockups
• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Display Board Mockup

By using these Display Board Mockup you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand. Instead of doing everything from scratch, boost your workflow with a predefined template that is a little breeze to use.
With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Get the all best free PackagingMockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use on eymockup 
3.       T-shirt PSD Mockup
4.      Packaging Mockup
5.      Branding Mockups
• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Music Mockup 2020

By using these Music Mockup 2020 you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand. Instead of doing everything from scratch, boost your workflow with a predefined template that is a little breeze to use.
With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Get the all best free PackagingMockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use on eymockup 
3.       T-shirt PSD Mockup
4.      Packaging Mockup
5.      Branding Mockups
• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Medical Bottle Mockup

By using these Medical Bottle Mockup you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand. Instead of doing everything from scratch, boost your workflow with a predefined template that is a little breeze to use.
With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Get the all best free PackagingMockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use on eymockup 
3.       T-shirt PSD Mockup
4.      Packaging Mockup
5.      Branding Mockups
• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Box Mockup Template

By using these Box Mockup Template you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand. Instead of doing everything from scratch, boost your workflow with a predefined template that is a little breeze to use.
With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Get the all best free PackagingMockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use on eymockup 
3.       T-shirt PSD Mockup
4.      Packaging Mockup
5.      Branding Mockups
• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Cardboard Tube Mockup

By using these Cardboard Tube Mockup you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand. Instead of doing everything from scratch, boost your workflow with a predefined template that is a little breeze to use.
With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Get the all best free PackagingMockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use on eymockup 
3.       T-shirt PSD Mockup
4.      Packaging Mockup
5.      Branding Mockups
• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Monday, May 18, 2020

Perfuming Packaging Mockup

By using these Perfuming Packaging Mockup you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand.

With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Newest Packaging Mockups on eymockup Images Object Mockups, Get the all best free Packaging Mockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use
·        Device PSD Mockup Templates
All objects are separate layer groups with plenty of layers for more control.

• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Download Perfuming Packaging Mockup

Gift Voucher Mockup

By using these Gift Voucher Mockup you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand.

With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Newest Voucher Mockups on eymockup Images Object Mockups, Get the all best free Packaging Mockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use
·        Device PSD Mockup Templates
All objects are separate layer groups with plenty of layers for more control.

• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Download Free Box PSD New Mockup

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Red Retro PSD Mockup

By using these Red Retro PSD Mockup you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand.

With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Newest PackagingMockups on eymockup Images Object Mockups, Get the all best free Packaging Mockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use
·        Device PSD Mockup Templates
All objects are separate layer groups with plenty of layers for more control.

• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC

Download Free Box PSD New Mockup

Aluminium Foil Label Mockup

By using these Aluminium Foil Label Mockup you can create your own fully customizable mockup project where you can display your own brand.

With smart-object included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective, lights & shadows, reflections etc.
Newest PackagingMockups on eymockup Images Object Mockups, Get the all best free Packaging Mockups that are all high quality resolutions, smart layers enabled, PSD, Sketch formats, personal and commercial use
·        Device PSD Mockup Templates
All objects are separate layer groups with plenty of layers for more control.

• License: Free for personal and commercial use.
• Compatible: Works with Photoshop CS6 Extended or CC+
• Resolution: 1920x1200px
• Application: Photoshop CC
Download Free Box PSD New Mockup