Saturday, May 30, 2020

9 Steps To Design A Logo

A Logo is a design symbolizing ones organization. It is a design that is used by an organization for its letterhead, advertising material, and signs as an emblem by which the organization can easily be recognized, also called logotype. Logotype is a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.

1.  With Your Story
Before you start with the process, study your client first. Find out the target audience as it will help you determine the elements of a logo. Without having a clear picture of your client and its marketer, you would be directionless. Get to know what the company sells or is about. Once you gather all the relevant information, it becomes easy to create a logo. Mockup

2. Brainstorm Words That Describe Your Brand
Now that you have your story, it's time to take your logo draft from story to setting. Open and enter a term that best describes your product into the search bar.
3. Sketch Ideas Based on These Words
The first step in creating a purposeful logo is to create basic sketches. The step is very simple, and it involves just the pen and the paper. You need to draw sketches. Or for the first draft, you can use the Illustrator tool. The outcome is that your final logo design would be compromised if you ignore this step. Start creating about twenty to thirty sketches and sort out the ones that are good. However, if nothing looks good, start all over again. A good designer is one who spends more time in sketching before engaging with other design steps.

4. Test Your Top Sketches With Your Buyer Persona
Once you've got a handful of different sketches on paper, take a step back and pick the top three concepts. Don't think too hard about this -- consider the designs your eyes keep going back to, and select them to show to others. Be prepared for honest feedback and don't take any negative comments personally. These criticisms will only make your final logo better. Use their feedback to select one final concept to develop into a design.
5. Refine Your Chosen Sketch
To begin refining your logo, look back at the terms you identified in Step 2. Now look at your chosen sketch and ask yourself: Which terms does this sketch not yet capture? Use them to develop your sketch further, and add back the traits you liked best about the designs you didn't end up choosing for refinement.
6. Develop Your Logo's Layout on a Free Design Platform
Now, it's time to get technical and turn your paper drawing into a usable digital format. To bring this design to life, you have many free design platforms available to recreate your sketch in digital format. Here are a few free solutions:
·        Logo Crisp
·        Logojoy
·        DesignMantic
·        GraphicSprings
7. Pick Versatile Color Options
Your logo's color scheme might look great against the color of the canvas on which you designed it, but eventually, your logo will be placed on backgrounds whose colors you didn't start with.
8. Choose a Font
Talking about logo ideas and forgetting typography is like half a cooked meal. Choosing the right typography is essential. If your brandmark has text either in the form of a tagline or in the logo itself, you need to be very careful in choosing the right fonts. Go for Serif and Sans Serif fonts as they are the safest bet. If nothing works out, create a custom font. Brands like Coca Cola, Twitter, and Yahoo have custom fonts take inspiration from them.

9. Ensure Scalability
Logos are meant to represent your company on multiple platforms -- in print, on your website, on each of your social media business pages, and across the internet as your business grows. You want a logo that can be blown up super large for a billboard, but also scaled down for screening onto the side of a pen.
3d logo mockup psd free download

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